“Finally, After this reset my body stopped storing fat” - sachin yadav


flip your body’s fat burning switch

7 dAYS DETOX & GUT CLEANSEnavratra program

kashish shares what ojo life 7- day detox program did for her

leading nutritionist says

“bad lifestyle & food toxins have damaged the body’s natural ability to loose weight turning it into a fat storage machine”
-Arti shaukeen

Your Gut's Cry for Help!

It Starts With A Bite!

Every time you grab that street food - spicy, oily, and oh-so tempting. These foods are damaging your inner linings of the gut, which are responsible for

the proper digestion of the food and keeping you in fit shape…

Why You’re Not Losing Weight?

Ever wonder why all foods seem to add inches to your waist?

It's because a hurt gut can't handle food right. Instead
of turning food into energy, it turns it into fat.

All those calories are just piling up as belly fat.

It gets scarier!

A damaged gut means your body misses out on the good stuff,
no matter how healthy you eat or how many vitamins you pop.

You start aging faster, feeling weaker,
and getting sick more often.

Waste Your Effort? No, Thanks!

If you don't fix your gut now, all that hard work, all those
salads, all those gym hours? Wasted.

As soon as you stop those strict diets, your body goes
right back to square one.


reset | 7 dAYS DETOX

OJO LIFE 7 DAYS DETOX AND GUT RESET PROGRAM ™ is a science backed 7 days program made by expert nutritionists which is proven to heal your gut by 95% and guaranteed to lose upto 5 kgs in the next 7 days…

Unlike others we don’t just hand you over a long detox guide or plan to follow on your own because we know the truth


Our program delivers every single thing required in your plan from juices, Hunger Control Balls , Smoothies to fully cooked meals delivered fresh daily in the mornings…

Experience Transformation In As Little As One Month

Improve Digestion
Enhance Skin Clarity
Increase Focus
Shed Excess Weight
Reduce Bloating
Boost Energy

listen to what she has to say

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How to know if this DETOX is for you

7 Days Detox is perfect for you if…

Find it hard to lose weight and keep it off ?

This means the food toxins have damaged your body’s automatic system of losing weight… Our 7 Days program is created to bring that ability back and heal the damaged areas

Crave sugar, sweets, desserts or simple carbs?

Craving sugar, sweets is a sign your body’s craving energy which it can’t get in normal foods due to unhealthy gut

Experience excessive bloating between or after meals?

Eating junk food leads to high consumption of sodium which leads to excessive bloating… Within just 3 days you’ll undo all the water weight

That is one of our secret of fast results…

Feeling tired all the time

Due to low nutrition absorption your body is turning calories into fat instead of energy making you feel more tired and sleepy…

After 7 days you’ll instantly feel more energized

Have frequent mood swings?

Various studies suggest 9/10 times major cause of mood swings is due to a bad gut health

Get brain fog or have trouble remembering things?

  One Day Trial - Rs 499